What if you could restore your integrity, reignite your relationships, and renew your faith, all within a groundbreaking 40-day Journey?

The Men Restored Exodus Freedom Journey Program was developed to help you smash through the five biggest barriers between you and complete freedom from addiction to pornography, total honesty with your loved ones, and a life with absolutely nothing to hide.

If you want to reclaim freedom in Christ, re-kindle radical intimacy with your wife, and restore your total integrity as a man, there are five main things you need to confront, conquer, and transform… and we'll help you navigate these treacherous waters during our 40 days together in the Exodus Freedom Journey Program. They are:

  1. Masculine Identity → The initial crucial step to overcome the grasp of addiction. It's about establishing a crystal-clear understanding of who you are in Christ that surpasses the fleeting lure of temptation, providing a compelling beacon of hope and direction. You have no idea how good this can get - the good news of Jesus is all the power you need for this process to succeed.
  2. Equipped for the Battle → Confronting the shadows with truth is your next hurdle. Now, we need to focus on your habits, triggers, and mindset… It’s one thing to know the truth about yourself, and quite another to have a battle-tested game plan for how to live that out in concrete, everyday terms. This system has set countless men free, and it can do so for you, too.
  3. Brotherhood for the Battle → The next leap towards a lifetime of purity and integrity involves locking arms side by side with other men on the same warpath you are. It involves creating and adhering to a covenant of actionable commitments with a band of brothers, to ensure freedom and lasting change, cementing your collective journey in following Jesus.
  4. Protective PrayerThis is a Spiritual battle, you know. The weapons we wield in this fight are Spiritual in nature - and none is more important to the cause than intercessory prayer. On top of your own band of brothers, we provide a team of people dedicated to your freedom who pray over you continually throughout the process.
  5. Sustainable Freedom Plan → We don’t want just 40 days of freedom - we want freedom for the rest of our life. So what you need is a simple maintenance game-plan to keep you on the warpath, battling back the forces of evil and standing firm in the life God promises His children - for the rest of your eternal life.

<aside> 💡 By the end of the Exodus Freedom Journey, you will know exactly which steps to take -- and in the right order -- to break the chains keeping you addicted, to live a life of transparency, integrity, and true fulfillment, and to radically unleash God’s power in your newly freed life, all in just the next 40 days!


W H A T ' S I N C L U D E D ?

The Process

  1. Welcome Letter & Onboarding → First, we'll give you access to the training and an immediate jolt to your mindset & approach, helping you to start stacking victories right out of the gate.
  2. Training Curriculum & Resources → Next, you'll receive a daily stream of comprehensive, biblically-grounded materials over the course of the next 40 days that equip you with the wisdom and insights needed to understand the roots of addiction and the path to healing.
  3. Freedom Call → Third, once you’ve gotten a few weeks under your built, you will book a personal check-in “Freedom Call” with me - we’ll go over your experience thus far, pray for your continued success, and evaluate ways we might be able to improve the process we’ve put into place already. You’ll leave the call with concrete steps to tighten your defenses!

As an added bonus, we're also offering unparalleled, direct access to our team of mentors through á la carte, 360-degree support throughout your 40 days, removing any remaining barriers to your full commitment to freedom and life!


The total cost to embark on this transformative journey with us and get your Men Restored Exodus Freedom Journey slot booked is $897$397. [Limited time only]

<aside> 💡 ENROLL TODAY → → →
