<aside> 📑 Don’t Go It Alone! This guide gives you the major keys you need in order to truly overcome your battle with pornography, once and for all. I promise that if you lean hard on even just these first 2 steps, you will see a dramatic turn in the tide of the battle against the dark addiction.

And if you’re looking for a brother to come alongside you and strengthen you for the battle, send Mike a message or even book a call to see if there’s a fit!




I’m Mike Hansen, the founder and CEO of Men Restored Coaching; a men’s coaching ministry that exists to help men not only overcome pornography once and for all - but also to step into the fullness of their identity in Christ, as sons of the King destined to rule and reign with Him forever.

I created this 40 Days to Freedom guide after speaking with dozens of men from all walks of life; I kept hearing story after story of good men who strongly desired to be free from their hidden sin, but who just couldn’t seem to overcome their habits no matter what they tried. Accountability apps, 12 step programs, and even other coaching programs couldn’t help these men find freedom. That’s why I’m here.

The guide you’re about to receive will help you know what the overall process needs to look like in order to find true freedom and step into your God-given strength as a man of integrity.

With it, you’re going to have the battle-tested blueprint for real, lasting success in your battle against the dark habits that have been holding you back for so long, and the confidence to know where you are on the journey.

Without it, you’ll continue to live in the dark, hiding your secrets & pains from the very people who need you to be strong and full of integrity, or worse - it will all come crashing down as your sin is found out.

If you're reading this, it's because you seek something more profound than a temporary fix or a fleeting moment of relief. You're after true freedom – freedom from the chains of pornography, freedom to live in integrity with your marriage and your faith, and the freedom to embody what it means to be an on-fire follower of Jesus.

I hope that it blesses you, and that you walk away with a much better grasp of what it actually requires to succeed in the battle for your purity in life.

Christ is capable. We need only follow Him. Remember that you are not alone.

- Mike Hansen

STEP 1 • Your Identity in Christ and the Father

So many of the men that I speak to fall into one of two traps: either “trying harder”, or going the route everybody tells them to when they are looking for help. We’ll call these two approaches the “Conventional Wisdom” Route and the “Trying Harder” Route. So, what’s so dangerous about these two paths? Let’s have a look:

The “Conventional Wisdom” Route

Advocates of this route say “get some accountability software on your phone, get some counseling, and study your Bible and Pray every day.”

While it’s good to have tools and accountability, to get counseling, and (of course) to crack open your Bible and water your soul with God’s Word…

By themselves, these are just Band-Aids for surface problems, that don’t deal with the deepest issues.

The “Trying Harder” Route

Advocates of this route say “you have to really want it - you have to really desire not to do it, and then you’ll have to settle in and do the hard work of quitting cold turkey.”

And, while it’s good to recognize that you’ve got to desire to get past this (and that it’ll be hard work), the desire itself doesn’t produce the skill, the power, or the heart change required to successfully transform from somebody enslaved to sin into somebody gloriously, victoriously free from sin.

The bottom line is that neither of these paths is going to help you do what you need to do, or to become what you must become, to find true, lasting freedom and victory. Instead, they settle for modifying your behavior rather than focusing on what it really takes to build and fight for a life without pornography.


We Must Start With Identity

The journey to freedom begins with a shift in perception – seeing yourself as a Beloved Son of God, unconditionally loved and cherished. It's a journey that starts not with condemning what you've done, but embracing who you are in Christ.

You will also see modeled for you living out of Revelation 12:11 - how to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and word of their testimony.

When you start with radically affirming your identity in Christ:

Blessings You Gain

Pitfalls You Avoid

The Result → A life filled with purpose, direction, abundance, and peace.